Terms and Conditions


* All parents are required to complete an online Registration Form prior to enrolling their child with CS Tuition.  These details will be held on a secure database.

*All parents will be provided with a copy of the Terms and Conditions to be agreed prior to registering their child with CS Tuition.

*All parents will be provided with a copy of our Data Protection Policy to be agreed prior to registering their child with CS Tuition.
*Pupils may be photographed or videoed for promotional purposes. (e.g.: CS Tuition website, CS Tuition Facebook, CS Tuition Instagram).   Completion of the Online Registration Form will give consent to or decline this action.

*To ensure their safety and well-being, pupils must conduct themselves in a disciplined manner whilst taking part in lessons and during any playtimes.

*Teachers cannot accept responsibility for any valuable or articles lost on the premises. This includes stationery, water bottles and clothing.

* CS Tuition has the right to substitute a teacher at any time due to absence through sickness or other.  When possible, notice will be given.  

*Half Terms may vary in length.

*After School pupils have priority for all school holiday study sessions.

Payment Arrangements After School lessons, Study Weeks and Saturday Classes

*All fees due and balances to be paid are shown on the invoice and the 'Payment Due date'  issued at the top of the invoice for each pupil,  half termly throughout the year. These will be emailed to the lead adult.    

*After School and Saturday fees are payable Half Termly in advance on the first day of each new half term. Bank Transfer and cash payments are accepted.

* If payment is made in cash, it should be placed in an envelope with the child's name, the class involved and the amount enclosed. All payment MUST be handed to a member of staff by a responsible adult.

*A non-returnable deposit is required to secure a place on any of the After School and School holiday Study Sessions.  Invoices will be issued, and deposit(s) must be received within 14 working days of the invoice date.  We are unable to hold places without a deposit beyond the date specified.     If the deposit is not received by the due date, a child’s place may be withdrawn, and the place will be offered to the next child on the waiting list.

* In the event of absence, for any reason, fees are non-returnable.  Work missed will be delivered or sent home for completion.  A swap to another session is at the discretion of CS Tuition.  We are unable to swap lessons for reasons such as parties, sports fixtures etc.

* If fees are still not collected 3 weeks after they become due, a Late Payment fee of £20 will be levied for each week they remain unpaid thereafter.

*CS Tuition reserves the right to withdraw a child’s place in the event of non-payment of fees.

Notice Periods For After School Classes / Saturday Classes / Study Weeks

After School Classes:

*All After School Classes (Y4 & Y5).  A child’s place will be allocated for the whole of the academic year.  Two weeks’ written notice is required before withdrawing a pupil from After School Classes.

* If written notice is not received, a full half term’s fee will be charged in lieu of notice.    (Note: Half Terms may vary in length.)

*Year 4 Children Moving up to Year 5:   CS Tuition will reserve a specific day/time for children to move into Year 5 as agreed with parents.    A non- returnable deposit of £30 is required.  Two weeks’ written notice is required to withdraw a child. If written notice is not received, a full half term’s fee will be charged in lieu of notice (Note: Half Terms may vary in length.)

Saturday Classes.  

*A child’s place will be allocated for the total days within each set of study sessions/workshop. (Easter& Summer Study Sessions /Workshops)  

A child’s place will be allocated for the total days within each set of study sessions/workshop.

 * Two weeks written notice
is required before withdrawing a pupil from Easter and/or Summer Study Weeks and/ or Workshops.  If written notice is not received within the period, the full cost will become payable.  Any deposits paid are non-returnable.
* CS Tuition is unable to hold a child’s place open in the event they leave and wish to return at a later date. They will advise of current availability should this situation occur.

Forced Closure

* In the event of forced closure, CS Tuition are not obliged to return any lessons fees.

* In the event of forced closure of the Hurst Community Centre CS Tuition will aim to offer online lessons in place of face to face sessions. Class sizes may be adjusted to facilitate this change and if long term closure occurs an alternative venue may be arranged.

* When the offer of online lessons is declined, CS Tuition are not obliged to hold a child's placed until the Centre is reopened and face to face lessons are resumed.